Send an email from Access database using gmail
'This first set of code just captures all the relevant information to send the email from a form in your Access database.
Dim strMailto As String
strMailto = Me.ToEmailAddress
Dim strMailFrom As String
strMailFrom = Me.MailFromAddress
Dim strSubject As String
strSubject = Me.Subject
Dim StrBody As String
StrBody = Me.Body
Dim strCC As String
If IsNull(Me.emailcc) = False Then
strCC = Me.emailcc
End If
Dim strBCC As String
If IsNull(Me.emailbcc) = False Then
strBCC = Me.emailbcc
End If
'Now begins the code to actually send the email
Dim msg As Object
Set msg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
msg.FROM = strMailFrom
msg.To = strMailto
msg.Subject = strSubject
msg.TextBody = StrBody
msg.Cc = strCC
msg.bcc = strBCC
msg.replyto = strMailFrom
'Optionally, our Access form allowed the user to attached 3 files to the email
If IsNull(Me.attachment) = False Then
Dim strAttachment As String
strAttachment = Me.attachment
msg.addattachment "file://" & strAttachment & ""
End If
If IsNull(Me.Attachment2) = False Then
Dim strAttachment2 As String
strAttachment2 = Me.Attachment2
msg.addattachment "file://" & strAttachment2 & ""
End If
If IsNull(Me.Attachment3) = False Then
Dim strAttachment3 As String
strAttachment3 = Me.Attachment3
msg.addattachment "file://" & strAttachment3 & ""
End If
'Now send it
msg.configuration.Fields("") = ""
msg.configuration.Fields("") = 465
msg.configuration.Fields("") = 2
msg.configuration.Fields.Item("") = ""
msg.configuration.Fields.Item("") = "yourgmailpassword"
msg.configuration.Fields.Item("") = True
msg.configuration.Fields.Item("") = 1