Inventory with quantities on hand in more than one bin
select a.inv_mast_uid,d.item_id, d.item_desc, a.product_group_id,b.date_last_modified, e.product_group_desc, a.location_id,b.bin, a.qty_on_hand as TotalQtyOnHand, b.quantity as BinQuantityOnHand
from inv_loc as a
inner join inv_bin as b
on a.location_id=b.location_id and a.inv_mast_uid=b.inv_mast_uid
inner join
(select a.location_id, a.inv_mast_uid,b.item_id , count(*) as rowcount2
from inv_bin as a
inner join inv_mast as b
on a.inv_mast_uid=b.inv_mast_uid
where a.quantity<>0
group by a.location_id, a.inv_mast_uid, b.item_id
having count(*)>1) as c
on a.location_id=c.location_id and a.inv_mast_uid=c.inv_mast_uid
inner join inv_mast as d
on a.inv_mast_uid=d.inv_mast_uid
left join product_group as e
on a.product_group_id=e.product_group_id
where b.quantity<>0