Custom report built using report wizard on fresh CRM 2011 install doesn't run

We had a fresh CRM 2011 install. Our architecture was to have the CRM application running on one server and SQL Server and SQL Server Reporting Services running on a different server. When we built a new custom report using the Report Wizard in CRM 2011, the report didn't run. The error message returned was:

The report cannot be displayed (rsProcessingAborted)

Then if you hit the Try Again button it says:

Invalid Argument

We turned on a Trace in CRM 2011. The trace log has a line that says:

"Query execution failed for dataset 'DSMain'"

In the windows event log on the server running the CRM 2011 web application, it has an event 19970.

In the SQL Reporting Services log (located by default at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles), there were entries like:

"Could not connect to net.tcp://crmapp/CrmSandboxSdkListener-w3wp."


A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond ---> Microsoft.Crm.Reporting.DataExtensionShim.Common.ReportExecutionException: An unexpected error occurred. --->

The solution was to open Windows Firewall port 808 on the server runing the CRM web application. Then the report ran fine.