SSIS Script to move/rename/archive source files
Use the following code to add a script task to a SSIS package. The script task reads the files in a specified folder, then archives those files to a different folder and finally writes the files to a generically named file in the Integration Source folder. You must add Imports.System.IO to the declaration section of your script.
' ***********************************************************************************************
' This task iterates through the files in the specified directory (sSourcePath)
' It copies each file to an appropriate archive folder and concatenates the creation date
' and creation time to the beginning of the file name.
' It then writes the contents to a generic named file based on the prefix of the source file.
' The new generic file is in the "E:\UploadArchives" target folder.
' Multiple source files with identical prefixes are appended to the same genric target file
' ***********************************************************************************************
Dim sSourcePath As String = "C:\Inetpub\ftproot\Data"
Dim di As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(sSourcePath)
Dim fi As FileInfo
Dim sFileName As String = ""
Dim sFilePathName As String = ""
Dim sNewFName As String = ""
Dim sDestinationFile As String = ""
Dim dtFileDate As Date = CDate("1/1/1900")
Dim dtFileTime As Date = CDate("12:00:00")
Dim strFileDate As String = ""
Dim strText As String = ""
'If the Generic file exists, delete it
Dim sDestFile1 As String = "E:\UploadArchives\WPTS.txt"
If (File.Exists(sDestFile1)) Then
End If
' Create a data writer to the generic file
Dim objWriter1 As New IO.StreamWriter(sDestFile1, True)
Dim sDestFile2 As String = "E:\UploadArchives\err_WPTS.txt"
If (File.Exists(sDestFile2)) Then
End If
Dim objWriter2 As New IO.StreamWriter(sDestFile2, True)
'Iterate through the files in the source folder getting the creation date/time for each file
For Each fi In di.GetFiles("*.txt")
strText = ""
sFileName = fi.Name
sFilePathName = sSourcePath & "\" & fi.Name
dtFileDate = fi.CreationTime.Date
dtFileTime = fi.CreationTime
strFileDate = Format(dtFileDate, "MMddyyyy") & "_" & Format(dtFileTime, "HHmmss")
'Create a new file in the archive folder
sNewFName = strFileDate & "_" & sFileName
'Left(sFileName, Len(sFileName) - 4) & "_" & strFileDAte & ".dat"
sDestinationFile = "E:\UploadArchives\WPTS\" & sNewFName
'Read the data from the source file and remove the connection
Dim objreader As New System.IO.StreamReader(sFilePathName)
strText = objreader.ReadToEnd()
'Write the read data to the appropriate Generic file based on the source file prefix
Select Case Left(sFileName, 3)
Case "err"
System.IO.File.Move(sFilePathName, sDestinationFile)
Case "not"
' Do Nothing
Case "SAR"
'Do Nothing
Case "WTS"
System.IO.File.Move(sFilePathName, sDestinationFile)
Case "UPL"
'Do Nothing
Case Else
'Do Nothing
End Select
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success